data-feather bootstrap
data-feather bootstrap

Featherisasetof250+simpleandbeautifulopensourceSVGicons.Eachiconisdesignedona24x24gridwithafocusonsimplicity,uniformityand ...,BerryistrendingdashboardtemplatemadeusingBootstrap5designframework.BerryisavailableinBootstrap,React,CodeIgniter,Angula...

Feather Icons


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Bootstrap 5 Feather Icons | Docs & Examples

Feather is a set of 250+ simple and beautiful open source SVG icons. Each icon is designed on a 24x24 grid with a focus on simplicity, uniformity and ...

Feather Icon

Berry is trending dashboard template made using Bootstrap 5 design framework. Berry is available in Bootstrap, React, CodeIgniter, Angular, ...

Feather Icons

Stack admin is super flexible, powerful, clean & modern responsive bootstrap 4 admin template with unlimited possibilities.


Feather is a collection of simply beautiful open source icons. Each icon is designed on a 24x24 grid with an emphasis on simplicity, consistency and ...

Icons · Bootstrap v5.0

Bootstrap Icons is a growing library of SVG icons that are designed by @mdo and maintained by the Bootstrap Team.

css feather featherjs bootstrap icon boot

This section is about introducing how Bootstrap can help create your own stylesheet using Saas. Boostrap ships with a Sass mixins that are tremendously helpful.


Download the SVG to use or edit. Download SVG Icon font Using the web font? Copy, paste, and go. <i class=bi bi-feather></i>

Feather Icon

Mantis is made using Bootstrap 5 design framework. Download the free admin template & use it for your project.

Feather icons with Bootstrap 4

I'm a Bootstrap 4 beginner. What is the best way to use the Feather icons with Bootstrap 4? bootstrap-4.


<script> feather.replace()</script>. STEP 3. 選ICON. ICON的預設HTML格式為. <i data-feather=”circle”></i>. 只要將circle替換成要使用的Icon名就可以.


Featherisasetof250+simpleandbeautifulopensourceSVGicons.Eachiconisdesignedona24x24gridwithafocusonsimplicity,uniformityand ...,BerryistrendingdashboardtemplatemadeusingBootstrap5designframework.BerryisavailableinBootstrap,React,CodeIgniter,Angular, ...,Stackadminissuperflexible,powerful,clean&modernresponsivebootstrap4admintemplatewithunlimitedpossibilities.,Featherisacollectionofsimplybea...